Wagah Border

Wagah Border

 Its an obvious fact that relations among Pakistan and its neighbor, India, are tense. Boundary encounters are normal and with the two nations possessing atomic weapons, the potential for a more genuine clash is genuine. 

This is definitively what makes the every day shutting function at the Wagah-Attari line, just 24km from Lahore, considerably more strange. At 5pm each evening, the line powers of the two nations partake in what must be portrayed as an intricate dance-off. 

What started as a basic banner bringing down function has changed into arranged need to feel superior. Troopers in outfits and elaborate head gear from the two sides contend to see who can kick the most noteworthy, swaggering along the line like peacocks seeking the warm gestures of a peahen. It's a remarkable occasion. 

There are remains on either sides of the line where observers accumulate to watch. Peddlers meander through selling snacks and a mumble of expectation rises through the group. The air isn't not normal for a game. Every high kick is cheered like an objective. An overstated hand shake and unexpected bringing down of the banner demonstrates that the exhibition is finished, evoking frustrated moans.
