The story of Ertugrul Gazi tomb

Ertuğrul Gazi,

 After the demise of Ertuğrul Gazi, father of the organizer of the Footrest Domain, Osman, his burial place turned into a profound objective for Karakeçili, a locale of Kırıkkale region in focal Anatolia. The burial place is visited by many individuals and some yearly celebrations are additionally held there. 

Recently, interest in the existence of Ertuğrul Gazi has expanded essentially on account of the famous television series, "Diriliş (Revival)." Chronicled sources, nonetheless, offer almost no data about him. 

Antiquarians Mükrimin Halil Yinanç, Fahamettin Başar, Ismail Hakkı Konyalı and Tayyip Gökbilgin have ordered the insights regarding Ertuğrul Gazi in history books. 

Under the initiative of Gündüz Snow capped mountain, the granddad of Osman Gazi, the Kayı clan had shown up in Anatolia and settled close to Ahlat in the eastern area of Bitlis. It was during the Turkmen movement inside the Anatolian Seljuk period. They occupied with ghaza (an Islamic expression for heavenly conflict) in this new spot. After the surge of Mongols into Anatolia, the Turkmen started moving west. 

Because of the Mongols, the Turkmen needed to relocate from the Caucasus toward the east and focal Anatolia. As the Mongol intrusion of Anatolia started, some Turkmen moved to the Aegean locale and others to focal Anatolia. The Karakeçili group of the Kayı clan advanced toward Erzurum. 

At the point when Gündüz High mountain passed on around here, Ertuğrul Gazi turned into the head of the faction. After the Mongols entered the eastern Anatolia, the other two children of Gündüz High mountain, Sungur Tegin and Gündoğdu, got back to the Ahlat area. In the interim, Ertuğrul Gazi, along with his sibling Dündar, advanced westward and showed up in the Sivas-Tokat area. 

In 1230, they helped the King of Anatolian Seljuks, Alaeddin Keykubad, in the Skirmish of Yassıçemen, against Khwarezm Shahs. 

Following the fight, Alaeddin Keykubad offered Ertuğrul Gazi the locale of Karacadağ close to Ankara as his country. In the wake of remaining there for a period, the Karakeçili needed another country from the Seljuk King, and upon that Söğüt and its environs were given to them as their new country. 

Meanwhile, a huge number of Turkmen, who had needed to relocate because of Mongol pressing factor first from the Caucasus toward the East and Focal Anatolia and afterward from the Focal Anatolia toward the west, attacked the Aegean locale and established Turkmen ghazi realms there. 

The ghaza soul among the Turkmen at the time was kept alive by the Germiyanid, Menteşe, Karasid, Hamidid and Sarukhanid realms in Western Anatolia and by the Çobanoğlu (Chobanid) Beylik in the Dark Ocean area. These realms both battled against the Christians for the sake of ghaza and furthermore settled the Turkmen that continued to go to the areas they had recently prevailed. Subsequent to subsiding into the area, the Karakeçili started directing ghaza, very much like different realms of northern Anatolia. 

The center of an all inclusive state 

During that period, other than taking part in ghazas, Ertuğrul Gazi likewise lived in harmony with nearby Byzantine lead representatives in encompassing locales called "tekfur," some of whom honored the king of Anatolian Seljuks. At that point, the Footstool beylik was under the suzerainty of Chobanids, who managed the northern Anatolia and were additionally from the Kayı clan. 

The Karakeçili family remained in Söğüt during winter yet moved to pastures close to Domaniç during summer. Under the authority of Ertuğrul Gazi, the Karakeçili turned out to be all the more remarkable as they acted along with outstanding officers in encompassing districts, as Akçakoca, Samsa Çavuş, Kara Tegin, Aykut High mountain and Konur High mountain. 

Having become extremely old, Ertuğrul Gazi passed on the authority of the family to his child Osman Gazi. He was supposed to be more than 90 when he kicked the bucket in 1281. Ertuğrul Gazi was covered close to Söğüt. After his passing, his burial place turned into a profound objective. Local people in Karakeçili have visited the burial chamber each year from that point forward and keep on holding celebrations. 

During his rule, Abdülhamid II reestablished Ertuğrul Gazi's burial chamber, alongside different burial places and landmarks having a place with the originators of the Stool Domain. He worked with the Karakeçili tribe's yearly visit to the Ertuğrul Gazi burial chamber and assembled a motel there for their convenience. 

In this period, Karakeçili's visit to the burial chamber was classified, "Ertuğrul Gazi Remembrance." A 1895 issue of the magazine, Malumat, distributed a news piece on the merriments held by the Karakeçili at the Ertuğrul Gazi burial chamber. Student of history Konyalı stated: "The Karakeçili family has as enormous a populace to possess 32 towns around Eskişehir (a focal Anatolian area)." 

Of these towns, nine are in the Söğüt region of Bilecik territory in Marmara district, six in Eskişehir, and six close to the Aegean city of Kütahya, and the rest are in the encompassing areas. Fifteen days before the visit, their tribal leader sends an extraordinary letter to every town and the guests assemble in the Oluklu town of the Söğüt region. During their walk, the Karakeçili horsemen, driven by gendarmerie troops, continue holding Footrest banners and singing public tunes. 

In the wake of showing up at the Ertuğrul Gazi burial place, they perform praises and participate in supplications for three or four days in the environs, reciting "Lâ ilâhe illallah" (There is no god except for God). And afterward they return satisfied. The group's appearance to their towns becomes something of a public occasion. Public officials likewise treat them sympathetic. 

The Footrests were viewed as the relatives of the Kayı clan of the Gün Han branch, or the conservative, of the Oghuz Turks. However, this is a dubious subject among history specialists. 

History specialist Paul Wittek contends that start from King Murad II the Footrests looked to cut a better lineage by following their beginnings than the regarded Oghuz ancestry and subsequently dismisses the cases about Kayı beginnings. 

Then again, student of history Zeki Velidi Togan claims that the Hassocks were relatives of the Kaylar, a Mongol clan. Previous Turkish unfamiliar pastor and unmistakable scholarly, Fuat Köprülü, who completed significant examinations on the foundation time of the Footrest Realm, declares that the Footstool administration began from the Kayı clan. 

To be sure, different explores in Footstool chronicles uncovered the presence of networks having a place with the Kayı clan around the district where the Stool territory had been set up. Footstools should be a breakaway gathering of a bigger Kayı clan, which moved toward the western Dark Ocean and inward Aegean districts under Mongol tension and split there. The first local area of the Stool administration is viewed as the Karakeçili faction of the Kayı clan. 

This theme emerged in the historiography in the Late Stool Time frame and went to the front particularly during the rule of Abdülhamid II. During King Abdülhamid's standard, there was a Söğüt regiment at the Yıldız Castle, which was made out of troops from the Karakeçili clan. Picked as the Ruler's protector regiment, these Yörüks (migrants) made a vow of reliability to the king at the Ertuğrul Gazi burial place. 

Some case that the Karakeçili were brought to the front just of late and had no connection to the Footrest line. Be that as it may, the theme has to do with authentic realities. A verifiable record dated 1673, which was called attention to by Feridun Emecen, refers to the Karakeçili among the occupants of Söğüt and this data uncovers the Karakeçili as from the domain's center regions. 

